Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Lots more painting

After another day of painting I think I need a rest. I'm also so proud of what exactly we have achieved at the school. We have turned a barren, grey looking building into a colourful centre of education. Visiting the community in which the children live made me even prouder of what we have achieved here in Zambia, because we all know just how much this means to the children attending Greater Joy School.

I have also been humbled by the warm welcome we have received here in Zambia. The church visit was more than pleasant and the visit to peoples' homes in the community welcoming. Kitwe is a great place and the trip to the market was a great experience. It's been a very funny few days and in conclusion I'm having a really fantastic trip; as is everyone on the trip to Greater Joy School.



  1. Hi everyone, reading your blogs over the last few days has been brilliant. I cannot express how proud we are of the work that you are doing-it is fantastic. Keep the pictures coming as there are loads of staff, students and parents who are following your progress. Well done!

  2. Hi Sam and all in Team Zambia. It has been really wonderful following all your entries and looking at the brilliant photos. You have all been invloved in so much and the school must benefit greatly. Well done to everyone and hope you enjoy the remaining few days.
