Monday, 30 June 2014

Home Visits Monday 30th June

Each day that I am here, my appreciation of why I am here grows. Our work at the school is going really well; Mr Tisdale's mural marvel is incredible, the learning play area is really taking shape and our students' wonderful labouring skills are getting stronger by the day! The children at the Greater Joy School continue to touch our hearts with their beautiful smiles, loving embraces and genuine excitement. But today offered something new. A true insight into why this trip is so important, why the charity Beyond Ourselves is so worthwhile and why, despite the fact that you may be missing your loved ones, they are gaining so much from this wonderful experience. 
Today a group of us were privileged enough to go on a Home Visit. This is a chance for us to get into the community and visit the homes of the students at the school. To say that this was an eye opening experience would be an under statement. Our building/construction/painting work at the school has almost distracted me from where I am and why we are doing what we are. The Home Visit brought that reality home. The abject poverty was startling - the disparity between my life and theirs, that is based purely on chance and geography is tragic and heartbreaking. It would be very easy to be very sad for these people, to feel guilt and a sense of embarrassment but fortunately (and hopefully this is not just me) these will not be the feelings I leave with. It would be wrong to pity these people and part of the reason is because these families were proud of their homes - they welcomed us with warmth, kindness and almost gratitude that we had visited them. A truly humbling moment. Yes, it's tragic that in this day and age people have to live in this way (it would not be a lifestyle choice) but that they live with such pride and with such a positive outlook is inspirational and provides hope. My hope is that our world can find a way to offer more equality - it won't happen over night, perhaps not in my lifetime but I feel great hope that in a very small way the RVHS community, along with the wonderful charity Beyond Ourselves, has made a tiny contribution to making changes that need to be made. 
I feel very proud of our young people and I hope this experience will stay with them always.
Miss McEvoy


  1. You're all doing a marvellous job and everyone back home is so amazed at the work you are all doing. Something to be very proud of.....well done all of you and a special bit of love to Felicity ...Mummy Hale xxx

  2. We are so far away but your words and pictures are bringing this experience to life for us all. It is so exciting and moving, hearing about the day's events-have passed the blog details to other friends and family to inspire them!! So proud of you all and your hard work-make the most of every moment. Love Jan and Andrew Dennehy xxx

  3. A great article and very moving to read. It is all to easy to forget the plight of others when we walk through out daily lives, no more so I guess as I walked through Canary Wharf yesterday while you guys were working so hard there.

    The Bentley-Hodges household

  4. Never blogged before but here I go!! You all look happy and well and the children seems to be overjoyed that you're there. All the hard work will be worth it to leave the kids with a tangible reminder of your visit. We are all very proud of you. Missing you but so happy you have had the chance to take part in this fantastic trip. lots of love mum, dad, Hayley and Nick p.s. Nick enjoyed Roding and has Mr Bedi as a form tutor next year x

  5. I am really enjoying your blogs every day, they are so moving and the pictures are so amazing.
    Mrs Mason - Careers
