Thursday, 3 July 2014


After our final day at school today I thought it was about time I posted more than photos on the blog. 

This has been another great visit to this hospitable and wonderful country. You have heard much about the day to day activities of the students and the fun they have had but this is much more than an opportunity to do good for another. 

The students of Roding Valley have grown this week. They have embraced a different culture, faced unforeseen challenges and grappled with questions about inequality for which there are no easy answers. They have learnt things this week about what it is to be community, how to have joy that is not created by physical wealth and how one person with a heart for change can make a difference, however small, in the world we all share. They have learnt things no text book can teach. They have learnt to live simply so that others may simply live.

My thanks go to the governors, Mr Banks  (Headteacher) and all the staff of Roding Valley for their ongoing support for this partnership. I am grateful too to all the parents who have entrusted their children to our care on this visit. They have made me very proud and I am sure you are looking forward to having them home. Finally thank you to Jodie Collins and Beyond ourselves for their vision for transformation and for allowing us to share in it. I hope you, the reader, have enjoyed following our journey, beyond ourselves.

Ms Bentley


  1. Thank you Ms B for all your hard work in creating and organising this amazing opportunity for our children to participate in. Safe journeys Team Zambia and we look forward to welcoming you back on Sunday morning. Best wishes Mummy Cahill xoxox

  2. Thank you to you all for keeping us going with your entertaining and very emotive blogs! And the fantastic photos!! But most of all Thank you to Ms Bentley, Ms McEvoy, Mr Tisdale and Mr Cocker, they could not have taken this journey without you, So very grateful X

  3. It has been an emotional week for us parents as we feel extremely proud of you all and the blog has been an amazing lifeline for us all back here!! We cannot tell you how grateful we are for giving our children this invaluable experience which they will hold onto throughout the rest of their lives! I have a funny feeling a few of them will aim to go back!! Thanks again Judith for providing this opportunity and for roding valley high school to creating and supporting this chance of a lifetime! A very grateful mummy Thomas xxxxx

  4. I think the only regret is that many more young people can't take part in trips like this.

  5. I have read your blogs and looked at the photos with great interest, admiration and emotion. Well done to all involved for making such a difference to Greater Joy and the pupils. You have worked so hard and touched many hearts and will carry this experience with you for a long time to come. Have a great time on safari and a safe trip home. Can't wait to see you Jenna, I've missed you but feel so proud! Lots of love xxx

  6. Thank you so much for giving our children this wonderful opportunity. Whilst they have been missed I know that what they have experienced will stay with them and make them stronger and wiser. I am so proud reading the blog each day and touched by the way everyone has embraced a different culture. Looking forward to seeing you all at T4. Hope the reserve visit is exciting even without lions! Safe journey home xx

  7. Thank you Mrs Bentley and the other teachers for supporting our children through this great opportunity. They will treasure the memories for many years! Jeanie Harrison xxx Can't wait for Sunday morning xxx

  8. Fantastic Ms Bentley! Well done on leading such a life changing trip for your students (and staff) and well done team on making such an excellent impact into that community. From having traveled there myself I know you will all be coming home impacted and the blog has been a great read too. Safe travels home and well done to all of you.
    Rachel Radmore

  9. Well done Team Zambia each and everyone of you have made your families and the people reading your blogs so proud, you're a credit to Roding Valley. It's been a year of fundraising and working towards this brilliant life changing experience, you could see the staff and the children of Greater Joy School appreciate everything you have done for them. If a year ago you were offered a weeks skiing trip to America for ten days hard working in Endora I know that all of you would have chosen the latter you are all wonderful young people and I could not be more proud, have a safe trip home. Lots of love and kisses Mamma Woodley xxxxx
